Mild Water Oil Dust Environment M8 Laser Photoelectric Vibration Position Sensor Photoelectric Laser Sensors
What is a position sensor?
Three common position sensors are mechanical limit switches, photoelectric sensors and laser sensors.
Mechanical limit switches are used in industrial automation systems to detect presence or position.
Physical contact with the switches’ actuator, usually adjustable, activates these electromechanically- operated devices.
Photoelectric sensors, also called photo eyes, detect object presence or distance using light.
Operation combines a light source and an emitter, and a receiver that detects changes in light intensity reflected by the target object.
These photoelectric sensors detect object presence or distance in a wide range of industrial applications, and typically contain all required optics and electronics in a single unit.
Laser sensors operate like photoelectric sensors but with a much more focused light source to detect presence or measure distance, depending on the configuration. Laser photoelectric sensors detect presence. Laser distance sensors measure distance, as the name implies.
What problems should be paid attention to in the use of sensors?
First of all, the correct wiring and stable supply of rated voltage should be confirmed, and then the characteristics of the sensor should be combined when installing the sensor.
For example: inductive sensor installation need to pay attention to interference problems, to ensure that the distance between adjacent sensors cannot be too close, in some cases, you can try to choose shielding sensor, anti-interference effect will be relatively good.